
Birth Coaching Company News & Birth Stories

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Home Birth

Hi Maureen 

We did it!

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. After a previous traumatic birthing experience, we came to you following a recommendation from a friend. This is the best money we have ever spent, after your classes we felt so knowledgable and confident to believe in birth and how a woman's body works.

Our birth was everything we wanted it to be, at home, baby Jade birthed into her fathers hands in the pool. The midwives with us respected our privacy and supported our hypnobirthing choices. This birth has been so cathartic for me, it's amazing what you can do when you believe in yourself. Thank you for giving us the knowledge and guidance to achieve a beautiful birth xx
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First Time Mama Home Birth Story

Hi Maureen,
I hope you’re okay.
We just wanted to share with you the amazing news of our baby birth on the 29th August, same day as my birthday 🥳 
I barely had an early labour stage, or if I did I didn’t notice it… irregular contractions started 4 pm and by 5 pm I had regular and established contractions. By 8 pm I noticed the urge to push as my breathing changed and we called the midwife. 9:30 pm the midwife did a vaginal examination that quickly confirmed that I was fully dilated and the head was visible.
Due to some logistics problems and the speed of the labour the birth pool wasn’t quite ready until 10 pm so I waited with some gas air help… I jumped, in and after some down breathing and a few pushes Alma was born by 11:15 pm.
She was 3.64 Kg, no complications, no tearing, breastfeeding and lots of skin to ski  within the golden hour and placenta came out naturally.
The Labour was 7 hours approx, which made it quite shocking but hypnobirthing helped us to get through it in a stage of hypnosis and to relax and stay in control of my mind the whole time! 
Thanks a lot for your help in empowering us with knowledge, tools and attitudes that helped us to make of this a wonderful and incredible positive experience!
We are amazed by the fact that this way of birthing is not so popular and we are happy to give any further feedback or support in promoting positive births!
Jael, David and Alma
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Third Hypnobirthing Baby!

Hi Maureen,
I hope you are keeping well?
I've been meaning to message you. I had a little girl on the 13th May..7lb8 and my quickest labour yet.
My waters went at home at 6.30pm on Fri 12th May and I got to my mum's in Preston for 8.30pm. she examined me and I was only just about 2cm so she advised me to get some sleep. I went to bed around 10.30pm but my surges had started. At around 11.30pm my mum asked if I wanted a coffee as I couldn't sleep so we went downstairs. By 12 I asked her to start filling the pool. I got in at 12.10pm and she was born at 12.15. the smoothest and shortest labour I've had yet. 
Thank you for the hypnobirthing session a few weeks ago it definitely helped and keep well.
Ariane xThird 
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Extended Private Sessions

We now offer a bespoke extended course - 5 face to face sessions in your home at a date and time to suit you and your partner. Included in the price is an optional 6th refresher session close to your birthing day. This extended course will cover the usual hypnobirthing content but with additional information such as initial postnatal expectations breast feeding and your personal birthing objectives.
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1814 Hits

Positive Home Birth Following Previous Birth Trauma

An Email from a mother who had a positive home birth following a previous traumatic birth. A cathartic experience for both her and her partner. A treasured memory for life.

Hi Maureen,

I found out I was pregnant with my second child and instantly started to feel anxious about the labour. My first baby was born in hospital. I was in labour for 12 hours and eventually gave birth to my daughter with the use of forceps. I had an episiotomy and haemorrhaged after I’d given birth. The whole experience was just awful and I did not want to go through that again.

 I started looking into hypnobirthing and this is when I spoke with you about it. I remember you saying to me that once I’d finished the course, I’d want a home birth and I remember thinking at the time that there is no way I will do that. I was convinced I was unable to birth without medical intervention.

My husband and I met with you at our home and we had a total of five sessions with you. I am so glad we did these sessions and you were right, by the end of the sessions I was determined I wanted a home birth. You explained everything so well and the fact that you are such an experienced midwife also put our minds at ease. My husband was also sceptical about the whole thing and by the end of our sessions, he was also of the opinion that we should have a home birth.  

I went into labour at 41 weeks. I had a warm bath and got into bed at 9pm. At 10pm I started having very mild surges which were 20-30mins apart. My husband came to bed at 11pm and I told him that I was having surges but that he should get some rest.  I lay in bed relaxed and sleeping between surges and then breathing through them when they did arrive.  I woke my husband at 12.30am and suggested we needed to go downstairs and fill up the birthing pool.

We called the midwife team and they said they were short staffed and that we should head to the Women’s hospital. I told them we were not willing to do this and that I wanted to birth at home (not to mention our 6 year old was also in bed). They told me they would try to get to me but I may need to free birth. In any event, I should call back if my surges are 5 minutes apart. We called them back 40mins later!

A midwife arrived at 1.30am and although I was doing it alone, I did feel at ease once she arrived.

She said that just by looking at me she could tell I didn’t have long left.  My waters still hadn’t broken and there was a lot of pressure in my back. The midwife suggested I try and break my waters and I

did this as I got into the pool. The instant release of pressure was immense. I breathed through each of my surges and can honestly say that whilst they were intense, they weren’t painful. I did have a moment of panic when the baby’s head was crowning and thought for a moment we should be in hospital but then the head popped out and I was calm again. 

Our beautiful baby boy was born at 2.34am. He was born with the cord around his neck and this was quickly moved by the midwife, no panic whatsoever. I was in labour for just over 4 1/2 hours and it went in the blink of an eye.

We climbed into bed with our boy at 5.20am and our daughter woke at 5.30am to the sound of her baby brother. She woke up a big sister.

I will be forever grateful to you Maureen. You put our minds at ease and gave me the confidence to believe in myself. Birthing my son at home is my greatest achievement in life. I will treasure the memory forever.  I am so proud of myself and what I am capable of doing. 

I would highly recommend KGH hypnobirthing to any woman who is expecting.  

Thank you so much. I won’t be having anymore baby’s but if I was, you’d be the first person I would call.

Forever grateful to you xxx

 Lesley Sullivan  Hi Maureen,


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