Birthing Stories

Birth Coaching Company News & Birth Stories

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Third Hypnobirthing Baby!

Hi Maureen,
I hope you are keeping well?
I've been meaning to message you. I had a little girl on the 13th May..7lb8 and my quickest labour yet.
My waters went at home at 6.30pm on Fri 12th May and I got to my mum's in Preston for 8.30pm. she examined me and I was only just about 2cm so she advised me to get some sleep. I went to bed around 10.30pm but my surges had started. At around 11.30pm my mum asked if I wanted a coffee as I couldn't sleep so we went downstairs. By 12 I asked her to start filling the pool. I got in at 12.10pm and she was born at 12.15. the smoothest and shortest labour I've had yet. 
Thank you for the hypnobirthing session a few weeks ago it definitely helped and keep well.
Ariane xThird 
Extended Private Sessions
First Time Mama Home Birth Story

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