Birthing Stories

Birth Coaching Company News & Birth Stories

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Emily Grace Lewis

Dear Maureen
We're proud parents to Emily Grace Lewis born calmly, and safely on March 21stat 10.14 am! I was 39 weeks and 2 days.
We'd like to thank you for changing our perception of childbirth; without your Hypnobirthing sessions we definitely wouldn't have had the birth we had.
Here's our birth story...
We went to bed as normal without any thoughts that baby could be arriving, then my waters broke at 1am and my surges started at 2am. Nathan and I stayed in bed with the lights off and I had a hot water bottle on my back, and as a treat we brought our little border terrier up to bed for cuddles! All three/ four of us lay in bed feeling calm and relaxed as I practised my sleep breathing and surge breaths . At about 6.30am I went to the bathroom and felt a massive urge to bear down. I had a few more of these feelings, I started to feel confused at this point as I thought it was far too early for this and I hadn't been in enough 'pain' to have reached this stage of labour. I asked Nathan to call my mum and the maternity ward, and then at 8am Nathan and my Mum bundled me into the car to make the 20 minute drive to the hospital!!! I kept my eyes closed for the entire journey and continued to practise my breathing techniques and asked Nathan and my mum not to speak to me! The feeling of wanting to bear down continued while I was in the back of the car, but again I managed to keep quite calm considering the situation! We arrived at the maternity ward where they examined straight away and told me I was 9.5 cm dilated and that I could go for it!!
There was no time to read birth plans, but the midwife asked me what me wishes were and I said that we were practising hypnobirthing methods and that I wanted a natural birth. Our midwife was amazing and respected our wishes. So an hour and half later Emily was born naturally without any medical intervention, and after about four hours of keeping my eyes tightly closed, the first thing I saw was our beautiful daughter! Our midwife was really impressed and said that I could come again! She also said that next time I should have a home birth... And throughout the labour, Emily's heartbeat was strong and steady showing no signs of distress.
Thinking back, and reading the labour chapter of my pregnancy book, maybe I must have been in early labour running up to the 21stbut I just hadn't realised??! During the weeks running up to the birth I'd been listening to the relaxation CDs, practising breathing techniques, saying the birth affirmations which were hung up around the house, drinking Raspberry Leaf tea, taking Evening Primrose capsules and keeping activity- particularly with preparing our 'nest'! The hypnobirth sessions and the birth preparation exercises at home definitely gave us the confidence to stay at home, and I think it was being at home in familiar surroundings which allowed me to progress so quickly and without pain.
So I'm spreading the word about hypnobirthing!!!
Thank you again for all your guidance. Nathan and I really enjoyed our sessions with you, we found them really interesting and informative. Before we started to learn about hypnobirthing, I had been researching how to have a scheduled c-section as I was so pertrified of giving birth. But you opened up my mind to how wonderful childbirth can be, and even if our birth had turned into one with 'special circumstances' ; we still would have considered your course to have been invaluable as hypnobirthing enabled me to enjoy my final weeks of pregnancy free from fear.
Love and best wishes,
Jade & Nathan Lewis
SeƱor Kurgan Critchley-Riley
Baby George Henry

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