Birthing Stories

Birth Coaching Company News & Birth Stories

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Señor Kurgan Critchley-Riley

Hi Maureen  - Just wanted to let you all know that señor Kurgan Critchley-Riley was born on Thurs @ 9 mins to 9 pm weighing in in the blue corner at 7lb 9oz!!
Our baby was Hypnobirthed at home in the water as planned, using only the birth ball, all fours and plenty of HB breathing and relaxation; the HB cd was on loop the whole time, except for when Craig was reading the birth companion and visualisations. I really did go completely within myself keeping calm and relaxed throughout, and the birth was completely drug free. The time distortion effect was amazing and it was the fastest day of my life ever, so glad I put the effort in to practice the scripts, the rainbow and the affirmations!
Craig really took control of the environment making sure I took on fluids and tried to eat where possible, always making sure the music was on, the pool was ready, and liaising with the midwife so they only came to me when absolutely necessary. He even did the baby heart monitoring whilst the mw kept in the background voices always low, I hardly even knew they were there. We stayed in the pool for around 1/2 an hr afterward, letting the cord stop pulsating and enjoying skin to skin time, then Craig cut the cord and I naturally birthed the placenta with a little easing from the mw after around a half hour of further birth breathing, as I was getting impatient to get back to my baby.
Hope all goes well for the rest of you
Lots of love
Marie & Craig xx
Baby Dylan
Emily Grace Lewis

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