

Birth Photography.


If you have read my bio you will know that I have been a midwife for 40 years and have a wealth of knowledge and experience in both for home and hospital birth.  I am also an amateur photographer.  Photography has been a hobby of mine for many years and birth photography is something I’ve wanted to offer for a long time.  The cost to you for this service is reflected in the fact that I am new to this part of the birth journey but as with midwifery I will do my upmost to ensure that this momentous time in your life will be everything you want it to be.  

As a midwife and a Hypnobirthing teacher I understand the importance of the birthing environment - that sacred private space where you and your partner journey together in a flow of Oxytocin to welcome your child into the world.  Experiencing the most profound emotions unlike anything you have every felt before – the moment of birth when you meet your baby for the first time. 

As a birth photographer my role is to capture those emotions, the raw essence of birth in a quiet unobtrusive way – a pictorial account of this special day for you, your child and your family, how amazing to have this forever record of the most precious time in your life. 


How does it work?


I would like to meet you during your pregnancy so we can work out your plan and expectations

I will then go on-call from 38 weeks until you birth.  When you are in established labour, I will be ready to join you and start recording your journey through labour until the baby is born and for a short time after.

Within a few hours of birth, you will have an image or two to share with family and friends

Within 7 days I will share your high-quality digital images with you. Birth photographs are both colour and black and white. Black and white photographs capture the innate beauty and the raw emotionof birth. 




£500 for the birth photography session - includes the initial antenatal meeting, being on-call and your high-quality digital images. 

£700 Birth photography and the face to face private Hypnobirthing course.


We are happy to discuss a package tailored to your needs or budget, just gives us a call. 





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